Welcome to 2024! Let's reach for the stars!
Welcome to Semester 1! We would also like to welcome our new and returning students and their families into our school community. We hope you’ve had a restful and relaxing time over the summer holidays.
This year, the school theme is 'Reach for the Stars'. The teachers are looking forward to a very settled year working with you and your child, providing a year full of wonderful learning experiences to help them reach their full potential.
Please join our closed Facebook page to be kept up to date with what is happening in Stage 2 throughout the year – 2024 Support Unit Blackwell PS. If you need to contact your child’s class teacher, please phone the school or send an email, see email addresses below.
Appointments - Please phone the office if you wish to make an appointment to speak to a teacher, a suitable time can then be arranged. If you have information that is required for the day, please write a note and forward it to the class teacher.
School Pack - Please pay for your child’s school pack as soon as possible. It has everything they require from pencils and glue sticks to whiteboard markers and books to do their schoolwork in. This equipment remains at school for school use. The school pack also includes K-6 incursions held throughout the year (stage-based incursions and excursions are an additional cost). For the first child it is $60, the second child $60, the third child $60 and for every child after that, it is free!
Crunch and Sip - Students participate in “Crunch and Sip” each day in the morning session. There is no set time for this, as it is scheduled at an appropriate time for the class. Students are only permitted to have fresh fruit or vegetables and/or water. The portions, however, need to be small so that they are consumed quickly and class disruptions are minimised. Please peel and/or cut fruit into quarters/eighths/slinky as this is more manageable for students to eat. It is best if it is kept in a separate container, not packed with recess and lunch.
School uniforms - Please label all items brought to school by your child. Students are expected to wear full school uniform including black shoes and white socks.
Money Procedures - All money required for school events should be paid via the Sentral Portal. Please take the time to create an account or log into your portal and link your child/ren with the Key Register sent to you. All permission notes and payments will be sent to your portal. We hope this will make it easier for parents to keep up to date with information regarding your child on any excursions/incursion etc.
Absences - The Department of School Education requires a note to explain all absences within 7 days. If your child is away, you will receive a SMS notifying you that your child has been marked absent and you can reply with reasons why. Alternatively, please send a note to school with your child upon returning to school. If your child is absent more than 2 days in a row, please consider obtaining a doctor’s certificate to explain the absence.
Sport - Sport activities will be conducted on Tuesdays and Fridays for term 1 and 2.
Library - The support unit Library borrowing day will be every Thursday. Please send your child with a library bag for borrowing on this day.
Therapy Sessions at School - We are happy to support your child having therapy sessions at school, where possible. Therapists need to obtain permission from the Principal before attending on site, which will involve providing information. For more information about this, please speak to your child’s teacher.
Please note, we do not have therapy sessions between 9am-11:30am to ensure our literacy learning session is uninterrupted.
External Therapy Sessions - We understand that at times, therapists cannot come to school. If your child attends therapy sessions during school hours, please speak to your child’s teacher as soon as possible to let them know when your child will be absent.
Classroom Teachers:
MCM | Mrs Renee Morrison | renee.m.brown@det.nsw.edu.au |
MCB | Mrs Kahlia Borg Mr Robert Samuels |
kahlia.sinclair7@det.nsw.edu.au robert.f.samuels@det.nsw.edu.au |
MCD | Mrs Nelly Dhesie | nelly.singh1@det.nsw.edu.au |
Support Unit SLSOs:
Mrs Gavin, Mrs Fleming and Mrs Channells
Support Unit Classroom Expectations:
Safe (Good Thinking):
● I stay in my area at all time
● I am safe with my hands, feet and objects
Respectful (Good Manners):
● I can use respectful words and volume
● I listen and do what my teacher says.
Responsible (Good Learning):
● I try my best with my learning and my behaviour
● I look after my room and our equipment
Each of our classrooms have a “Safe space” for students who need sensory/emotional breaks and have weekly social-emotional learning lessons that will help students develop skills to identify their emotions and provide self-regulation techniques for them to use when needed. Your child’s teacher will provide more information on this as the term goes on.
The staff are very excited to be working with you and your children this year. Let's reach for the stars together!