Blackwell Public School

Educating for Tomorrow

Telephone02 9670 5080

Other curricular activities

Blackwell's other Curricular Activities include


Dance Troupe for Stage 2 is being run by Ms Kelly and Ms Claire from Dance Industry. Many thanks to their kind offer to support our Stage 2 students. 

Pasifika Groups have been a new addition with the help of Mr Martini and Mrs Shortland. It been great to see these Senior students performingat our recent Harmony Day.


Miss Saboori & Mrs Reynolds will run the school choir with students in charge of the mass choir involving the STEPS schools. The choir performs at our assemblies, concerts, and the STEPS Music Festival at Penrith Panthers on Thursday, 22nd August 2024.


Selected students help Mr Chris Brown & Mr Bennett keep our gardens looking nicely presented. 

Dance Sport

Blackwell and 25 other schools in Sydney's West participate in The Sydney Dance Sport Championships. A ballroom dancing competition for stage 2 and stage 3 students. This is an annual competition run in November and students audition and practise all year in preparation. A Stage 2 and Stage 3 team will be selected during Term 2. Our teams are always highly credited in the finals and all students enjoy the chance to participate.


NSW schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics. Approved providers deliver these, where available.

Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, sometimes known as scripture. Special education in ethics is an option for your primary-age child if you withdraw them from special religious education. For more information, visit Religion and ethics.

At Blackwell Public School, SRE is delivered on Wednesday between recess and lunch.

On enrolment parents/carers will be given the SRE participation letter to complete and return. After the initial enrolment, notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE should be given to where, in writing.

The following SRE classes are offered at Blackwell Public School:

Catholic SRE is provided by Diocese of Parramatta. More information about Catholic SRE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit

Scripture is provided by the St Clair Baptist Church.

During the time that SRE/SEE classes are being held, students not attending will be located in a separate space and will participate in meaningful activities including reading, private study or homework.


Special Religious Education

A feature of the public education system in NSW is the opportunity to provide time in class for education in ethics, faith and morality from a religious or non-religious perspective at the choice of parents.



STEPS(St Clair Erskine Park Schools) are also involved in  STEPPING UP TOGETHER and Leadership programs which operated across our 5 primary and 2 high schools.

Lunchtime activities such as drawing and chess lessons are offered as alternatives in our library.

Matthew winner Year 3 Public Speaking

Rikuto winner Year 4 Public Speaking

Emerson Finalist Year 5 Public Speaking

Julian 3rd Place Year 6 Public Speaking