Blackwell Public School

Educating for Tomorrow

Telephone02 9670 5080

Student welfare

'Good manners, Good thinking, Good learning'

Student welfare encompasses everything that the school community does to meet the social and personal needs of students to enhance their well-being.

This involves recognising, valuing, and developing each student as a total and unique person in the context of this school and society.

Our Code of Behaviour (below) outlines the expectations for our students in both the classroom and playground.


  • Each student receives a laminated licence
  • These are kept in the classroom
  • At the end of 5 week period students who still retain 10-12 points move up a level
  • All 12 points are reissued after 5 week period
  • Stages organize special  KLA events to acknowledge 10 11 0r 12 pts
  • Students start each 5 week period with 12 points
  • Breaking our school’s  code of conduct and impacting on other student’s rights loses points
  • White Playground slips require a visit to the time out room
  • Blue classroom slips are dealt with by stage supervisors
  • Each student who has 10 points or more at the end of a 5 week period automatically receives their next licence colour level
  • Term 1 weeks 1-5                  learning about our Expectations Reading the Manual
  • Term 1 weeks 6-11                Learner's 
  • Term 2 weeks 1-5                 P's red
  • Term 2 weeks 6-10              P's green
  • Term 3 weeks 1-5                 Black
  • Term 3 weeks 6-10               Bronze
  • Term 4 weeks 1-5                 Silver
  • Term 4 weeks 6-10               Gold

Positive consequences

Each stage is responsible for organising  special events to recognise all students who have retained 10 points or more

  • These may include – fun activities based around a particular KLA

Negative consequences

  • points lost will result in a series of time outs
  • all white or blue slips will be sent home, together with the completed thinking sheet for parents to acknowledge
  • all records are maintained for reference during the year
  • repeated concerns will require parent and possible counsellor intervention
  • bullying or violence are not tolerated


At Blackwell Public School the following virtues are a focus of our student welfare. These are behaviours that make our school a good place to be.

Self Discipline Respect Tolerance Responsibility Kindness Honesty Patience

At Blackwell Public School I have the right

  • To an environment in which I feel safe and happy.
  • To be treated with respect and courtesy.
  • To use school equipment provided to help me learn.
  • To expect my property will be safe.
  • To learn in a classroom that is productive.

My responsibilities at Blackwell Public School are

  • To allow others to feel safe and welcome.
  • To treat others with respect and courtesy.
  • To use school equipment safely and with care.
  • Not to damage or misuse the property of others.
  • To work effectively in the classroom and not spoil the learning of the other students.
There is also a very structured system for Monitoring Behaviours that are causing concern.  The school and home working closely together best promote positive behaviour.

Rewards are many and varied. Positive achievements are recognised by:

  • 'Caught You Being Good Awards'
  •  Merit Certificates
  •  Virtue Awards
  •  Principal’s Awards
  •  Privilege Days
  •  Classroom Incentives
  •  Publication of names in the newsletter
  •  Sporting ribbons and medallions as well as
  •  Achievement awards and medallions at the end of the year