At Blackwell, we do not set weekly homework as homework is not compulsory in public schools. However, we do set some flexible 'home learning' structures. Each stage has developed their own requirements. Most have opted for a term overview for major research and project items.
Daily reading is still considered an essential learning task.
A new way of spelling called 'Words their Way' is in operation across all stages.
Maths, especially the number strand, is also undergoing constant revision. Our main focus is on deep understanding. Please keep an eye open for stage information sessions.
We also value the limited time families have together and recognise that learning takes place in all types of situations. We must remember that we are all life long learners. We also are encouraging our students to take responsibility for their own learning.
This year our theme is 'Dare to Dream'. Our author for Term 1 was Matt Cosgrove. This term is Andy Griffiths. Take a few moments to explore his books and discuss the meanings and intentions behind this wonderful author.
Contrary to some belief there is no real evidence or research to support the theory that homework has any real benefit in primary schools and that students who complete homework, especially in these early years, are more successful learners than those students who do not.
Please check the relevant Stage pages to keep up with the latest tasks for students.
If you have any concerns on any task or topic please contact the class teacher.
Blackwell has also has a FACEBOOK page to assist with keeping communication open between home and school. Please follow us on our public page.
We have also created private groups for each of our stages. Please contact our office to learn how to register for these closed groups.