Kindergarten 2024
It's Term 3!
This term, Kindergarten will be visiting Calmsley Hill City Farm. Notes are on our Sentral ap. The students are looking forward to this day, as we have been reading and learning about farm animals.
This is a busy term with the school concert, Education Week, the Sports Carnival and Book Week.
Students will continue to bring home small readers to revise at home. Please return these each day to be read in class.
The Early Stage 1 team is
KB -Kinder Bees – Mrs Rachel Bulluss, Assistant Principal - ES1
KM -Kinder Monkeys – Mrs Alison Mumford
KL - Kinder Lions - Mr Jimmy Lee
Library: The library is open at 8.30 for quiet reading time or borrowing each morning (except Tuesdays). Each class has their own library time.
Wednesday –KM and KL
Thursday –KB
Money Procedures: All money sent to school for payment of goods and excursions etc. should be in a labelled envelope and handed in at the school office. Please DO NOT hand to the class teacher.
Labelling: Please label all equipment and clothing brought to school. This is very important and enables the return of lost items.
Appointments: Please phone the office if you wish to make an appointment to speak to a teacher. A suitable time can then be arranged. If you have information that is required for the day, please write a note and forward it to the class teacher.
School Packs: These cost $60 and money can be paid to the school office. These include essential items, incursions and access to computer programs.
All students will need a set of headphones with a cable to use in the classroom. These need to be inexpensive and labelled. The cost of headphones is not included in the school pack. All headphones will be returned at the end of the year.
We do have painting aprons but if you prefer your child to have their own paint shirt, please send one to school with their name clearly labelled on it.
Assessments: Teachers conduct formal and informal assessments regularly throughout the year to assist with the compilation of reports. Our reports are sent home at the end of each semester (Terms 2 and 4) with parent / student / teacher interviews held during the year. Please feel free to arrange interviews at any time if you have a question or concern. Teachers may also request an interview with parents.
Crunch and Sip: This is a small snack of fresh fruit or vegetables and water only, eaten in class at 9am each day. Please avoid whole apples— only a quarter or half an apple is needed or cut into slices.
Recess and Lunch: Please do not send too much food as some students are having difficulty eating it all and often miss out on playtime. Given students eat “Crunch and Sip” in the mornings, they only need one or two little things for recess, e.g. yoghurt, fruit, sultanas, rice crackers etc. Sandwiches, wraps or rice cakes are all they need for lunch. Please do not send soft drink. Snap lock bags are easy for the students to open and are disposable. Please teach your child to open their snack packets or make a cut in the packet for them to tear down.
We ask that students wear their joggers on Sport days. It is also recommended that girls wear school shorts/skorts, to ensure comfort and mobility.
Sport days for Kindergarten are on Friday.
Boomerang Folders:
These will be sent home in the afternoons. Please empty and return the next day.
Any questions please contact Mrs Bulluss on 02 96705080 or