Stage 1 - 2024
S1KYear 1 |
Mrs Sharalynne Krensel (Assistant Principal/Stage Supervisor) Tuesday - Friday Mr Dillon Guest -Monday Email: |
S1BYear 1 |
Mr Chris Brown Email: |
S1DYear 1 |
Mrs Cristy Dabic Email: |
S1MYear 2 |
Mrs Kylie McIntosh Email: |
S1SYear 2 |
Miss Ronaz Saboori Email:
S1RYear 2 |
Mr Brodie Rushby Email: |
Welcome back to school to our Stage 1 families and students. This semester is scheduled to be a busy one!
Messages for the teacher/parent concerns - If some information is required for the day, please write a note to the class teacher and forward it with your child. Otherwise, a message can be left at the office for the teacher. If you would like your child’s teacher to call you to discuss something, please arrange a time, outside school hours or in their RFF time. Mrs Krensel (Stage supervisor) is also available to answer questions and concerns.
Crunch and Sip - Students participate in “Crunch and Sip” each day in the morning session. There is no set time for this, as it is scheduled at an appropriate time for the class. Students are only permitted to have fresh fruit or vegetables and/or water. The portions, however, need to be small so that they are consumed quickly and class disruptions are minimised. A very large apple can take a child a very long time to finish so, if possible, please cut the apple into quarters/eighths/or a slinky as this is more manageable for them to eat. It is best if it is kept in a separate container, not packed with recess and lunch.
School Uniforms - Please label all items brought to school by your child. We ask that students not wear nail polish or jewellery to school (sleepers/studs and watches/Fitbits excluded) and that they adhere to the uniform as close as possible. This includes black shoes (no bright shoelaces please). Ribbons or bows in the hair should be school colours – navy, blue or white.
Sport - We ask if students could wear joggers and our sports uniform on Fridays so they are comfortable to participate in sport/exercise. They must also wear a hat. During summer it is recommended that students have sunblock applied before coming to school.
Headphones - This year we are asking if you could please purchase a pair of cheap headphones for your child to use with iPads and school computers. The headphones can’t be wireless as they may not connect to various devices. Please label the headphones and place them in a large zip lock bag for safe keeping. Your child’s headphones will be kept at school and stored in their tote tray.
Money Procedures - All money sent to school should be in a labelled envelope and handed in at the school office.
Library Day - Our school library is open every afternoon and every morning, with the exception of Tuesday. Books can be borrowed during this time as well as during class library times.
We encourage ALL students to be regular book borrowers. Class borrowing is on the following days;
THURSDAY - S1S, S1B, S1M and S1K
Attendance and Absences - Regular attendance at school for every student is essential if students are to achieve their potential, and increase their career and life options. Schools, in partnerships with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. Optimum attendance should be above 95% for each school term. If you are planning to take your child out of school for a holiday of 3 weeks or more please submit an application to the principal prior to travelling. The Department of Education requires a note to explain all absences. If your child is absent you will receive a SMS notifying you that your child has been marked absent and you can reply with reasons why. Alternatively, please send a note to school with your child upon returning to school. If your child is absent more than 2 days in a row, please consider obtaining a doctor’s certificate to explain the absence.
Facebook – For up to date information and to answer questions, please join “2024 Stage 1 Blackwell PS” on Facebook. You can also email the school - (your email will be forwarded to the person you wish to contact).
Please do not send teachers a “PM” (personal message) or invite teachers as ‘friends’ as teachers will not respond or decline invite due to the Department’s Code of Conduct.
Assemblies – Combined Assemblies are held in our hall from 2-3pm in weeks 3, 6 and 9 each term. Merit and Virtue awards are handed out other weeks during class lines.
School Newsletter (“Blackwell Post”) –Please make sure your email details are up to date in the office. Please read front page and the Stage 1 information page!
We are looking forward to a great semester at Blackwell!
Stage 1 Teachers